translated from Spanish: Joaco López in Seres Libres: “If I didn’t have drugs on the weekend I would get grumpy”

Seres Libres is the program of Crónica HD hosted by the actor and conductor Gastón Pauls that every Friday at 22 hours presents an interview with renowned artists of our country who went through addiction and who testify to their process. This Friday, August 13, the driver received the visit of Joaco López, one of the most recognized streamers in the environment for his videos on the Twitch platform that in dialogue with Pauls recalled when he began to consume, the challenges that were presented to him and how he crossed the road to rehabilitation.

The streamer said the first time he used cocaine was around age 15, at a friend’s house before going out dancing: “I felt scared the first time. I had a feeling I had never felt before. I didn’t stop talking, I smoked non-stop, I felt great, all the time friendly, wanting to do things,” he recalled. He then opened up about the moment when consumption began to become a problem: “At 17, 18, I’m going on a graduate trip. 2015 was the most tragic year for me. That year I took all the subjects, I was free,” he confessed. “The drug handled my mood: if on Friday we went out dancing and I didn’t have drugs in my pocket I would be in a bad mood, I didn’t want to go out,” he said of the time.

“My old lady felt let down by my old man for a long time, because he was addicted and an alcoholic, and I felt that I was more of the same, that my old woman was never going to stop being disappointed by the people next to me. That was my first mood well, at 17, 18,” he said. Then he recalled his worst relapse, a day before his school graduation party: “It was at 19, I spent the money of the month on one night,” he said in dialogue with Gaston. “I had my graduation party and I didn’t want to go,” he said.

“The drug led me to do things that I regret a lot today,” and he shared a tough situation he went through with a friend after agreeing to sell cocaine to a drug trafficker in his neighborhood that did not end on good terms. “Cocaine is the worst, it cannot be controlled,” he said. At the same time, he talked about the relationship with his father, who also consumed: “I want to leave a message like the kid who got over it. To cross paths with the nets was to give me an approach, I want to live well and calmly,” he said. What is cocaine?” asked Pauls. “It is the worst, along with the base paste, the worst thing that can be in the world,” and clarified that he did not consume base paste but that he does have acquaintances from the neighborhood who did. “Nobody can control cocaine, I don’t know anyone who comes out of it well,” he said.

“From the time I went to Caja Negra I decided to leave a message. The day I’m no longer on the networks I want to leave a message, to remember me as the kid who got over it. I’m no more and no less than anyone else, I’m a normal kid who was lucky to cross paths with Pimpe and the networks but I focused on the fact that I didn’t want that anymore for my life,” he reflected. Along those lines, he added: “The drug made me have a good time on a weekend, a couple of hours; monday was the same old shit.” “Freedom is life itself, without interfering with the freedom of another, because it manages your moods. It’s enjoying,” he said and concluded: “There are a lot of ways to enjoy without ruining your life,” he said.
Seres Libres is the first program that opens up a valuable space to put words where there are none and offer containment to viewers who may be going through a similar situation today. Created by Gastón Pauls, it is the first program in the history of Argentine TV that touches, in the first person and in a crusa way, the world of addictions. Its dark reality, its painful traces and, also, the difficult but possible path to recovery and light. If you need help contact line 141 Listen and Assistance or visit the Sedronar website:

Original source in Spanish


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