translated from Spanish: Storm with hail and prey destroy the tianguis in Gómez Palacio

Durango.- Street vendors of the tianguis of May 5, Felipe Ángeles and Las Llantas demonstrated this Saturday blocking the Mexican Army boulevard and Gómez Palacio-Jiménez highway to demand the state and municipal authorities support after the damage caused by the storm and hail in Gómez Palacio, Durango.The demonstrators pointed out that the storm and hail that hit friday in the municipality caused the loss of all their merchandise, for heavy rains and wind toppled their posts, and the citizenry committed acts of plunder.” The people instead of supporting us, took things, grabbed them and pocketed them, “denounced a seller when referring to the chaos caused by the rise in the water level in the colony Felipe Ángeles.They pointed out that because they did not receive support from any rescue unit, they lost everything, therefore, they request economic support to be able to continue working and support their families. Read more: The torture lasted more than 10 minutes! They reveal videos of the subjugation against José Eduardo in MéridaAbout an hour’s blockade remained, causing vehicular chaos, including heavy-duty units; stranded drivers ran into contact with the protesters. Pandemio performs sensual dancing during vaccination

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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