translated from Spanish: On World Relaxation Day, some tips to not get lost in the routine

You didn’t know you needed this day until this moment. It is that today, August 15, is celebrated all over the world the Day of Relaxation. Yes, that’s right, there is a date that commemorates the need to relax. There are no details about the birth of this day, but we agree that it is increasingly necessary to stop a little, to lower some changes to our routines and daily worries, to relax and pamper ourselves.

It is proven that a life without stress reduces the risk of suffering from blood pressure, heart problems, obesity and even diabetes. Burnout syndrome, a widespread term since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, is one of the most common and least attended ills of our time. It is a state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion that occurs as a result of overwhelming demands, chronic stress or job dissatisfaction. Although it is not a disease in itself, it can trigger more serious physical and mental health problems. The benefits of relaxation
Giving a rest to our body and especially to our mind, allows us to reorder the biological functions and processes of our organism. Sleeping well, eating healthy, surrounding yourself with friendly people, doing physical activity, distancing yourself as much as possible from screens and social networks are some of the techniques to achieve this.

Prevention is better than cure, so freeing ourselves from unnecessary tensions and balancing our body so that it does not suffer any type of collapse that endangers our health is the main recommendation. Anyway, we already understood that living stressed makes us bad. So what can we do to relax? Well, it’s not easy to disconnect from routine and obligations as well as if nothing else. But in this note we leave you some activities so that, even if it is, you can practice them this Sunday.
Meditate: Meditation is not only to silence our brain but to breathe properly to oxygenate every part of our body and ward off negative thoughts. If you didn’t or never did there are several free apps that guide you through the process.
Prepare a delicious meal: Sometimes we do not have time to cook or eat what we like. This Sunday can be the perfect excuse to prepare your favorite food that with the commitments of the day to day you do not have time to prepare.
Practice yoga: Doing yoga is a perfect activity for this day. If you never did there are hundreds of videos on the internet that will at least teach you some basic postures that will help you connect with your body in a relaxed way.
Sports activities: Doing a sport also helps us relax and generate dopamine, a substance that is often considered to be the cause of pleasant sensations and the feeling of relaxation.
Having an analog day: In these times it is difficult to spend a day without our devices but it is proven that although technology connects us and makes life easier – especially in pandemics – overexposure to the light of screens and social networks can generate a lot of stress and anxiety. That’s why a good solution is to spend an analog day or reduce the hours of exposure to the cell phone and computer.

Original source in Spanish


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