translated from Spanish: Two bars closed in Palermo for excess in the number of people

Two bars located in Gurruchaga at 1800 and Niceto Vega at 5400 that were closed for exceeding the number of people authorized in the city of Buenos Aires.The procedure was carried out by the City Police, together with the Government Control Agency (AGC) and the Judicial Investigations Corps (CIJ). In addition, they also intervened in a home located in Pedro Goyena at 1500, in Caballito, where a clandestine meeting with more than 60 people organized by a 22-year-old woman was taking place. In Gurruchaga at 1800, members of the Neighborhood Police Station 14A along with personnel of the AGC and the General Directorate of Operational Coordination found near midnight that the place had exceeded the authorized capacity and in addition to the closure were kidnapped 11 tables, 38 sidewalks and 2 music equipment. Also closed after 23 a gastronomic place located in Niceto Vega at 5400, which was functioning as a dance hall exceeding the number of people authorized due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in a work articulated between the Special Operations Division required by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Criminal Investigations Division, the AGC and the CIJ,  In view of this situation, the Criminal, Contraventional and Misdemeanours Prosecutor’s Office No. 5 ordered the arrest of the person in charge of the place for violation of articles 205 and 239, while asking to discourage the presence of the guests, who quickly withdrew. The AGC, meanwhile, closed the premises and seized furniture and music equipment.

Original source in Spanish


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