translated from Spanish: Health reports 62 deaths due to Covid-19 in Jalisco

Guadalajara, Jalisco.- After two days ago there were 94 deaths from Covid-19 in Jalisco, the statistics have not exceeded that figure again, because this Thursday, the Secretary of Health of the State reported a total of 67 deaths, which would be added to the 13,893 accumulated. According to the Jalisco Radar belonging to the agency in charge of public policies in health matters in the entity, the state of western Mexico also reported one thousand 840 new cases of the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2,These new cases would be added to the 314 thousand 213 that have been detected since the pandemic began more than a year ago in the entity and that keeps Jalisco in the first places in terms of detected cases. The studies also ruled out a total of four thousand 97 cases on Thursday, being in total one million 102 thousand, 839, people who have presented symptoms similar to those caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, but who do not have the disease. Likewise, the agency called for the vaccination process to continue in all the inhabitants of the state, so it asked that they enter the vacunació page, where they can take out their appointment to be attended. Read more: Aurora did murder Maribel, PVEM candidate in Michoacan”Gone are the long lines and complications to receive the vaccine against Covid-19 in Jalisco, this thanks to the state’s vaccination model. With your help we will be able to maintain the right pace and attention, “was part of the message made by Salud Jalisco.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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