translated from Spanish: Juanpa Zurita will star in a cooking show for HBO Max

HBO Max presents the new six-episode series “Juanpa + chef”, based on the North American version “Selena + chef”. Produced in Mexico, the series will feature Mexican influencer and actor Juanpa Zurita who, with the help of renowned chefs, will prepare different recipes. Accompanied remotely by guests, family and friends, Juanpa will cook and provide tips and tricks to avoid disasters during the preparation of each dish. The show is produced by Anouk Aaron and Paula Kirchner and has already generated high expectations.

“They have seen me climb the highest mountain in Mexico and dive 25 meters without oxygen, but in this adventure they will be accompanying me in one of the most difficult challenges I have faced: cooking,” Zurita wrote on Instagram.Then he continued: “Although I am recognized (in my family) for making big starry eggs, in this mission I will be accompanied by 6 of the best chefs in the country (and the world) to put my culinary skills and even more importantly, that you and I learn to become JuanChef.” The influencer said that there will be “from exotic desserts like pavlova (don’t worry, I didn’t know that existed either) to fusions like birria + ramen”. 

Original source in Spanish


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