translated from Spanish: Carlos Bianco’s ironic comparison of Macri: "It’s like Dracula"; FIFA welcomed CAS’s rejection of South American players; INFINITY is a two-time Latin League of Legends champion and will go to the 2021 World Cup and much more…

1. Carlos Bianco’s ironic comparison of Macri: “He’s like Dracula”

The Buenos Aires official asked that there be no double standard when criticizing the Government for the birthday of Fabiola Yañez, in reference to the celebration of Elisa Carrió. I kept reading here… 2. FIFA welcomed CAS’s rejection of South American players

The international entity released a statement that was replicated by the AFA where it highlights and appreciates the decision of the court against La Liga of Spain. I kept reading here… 3. INFINITY is a two-time Latin League of Legends champion and will go to the 2021 World Cup

After a 5-game duel, INFINITY won against Estral Esports and became champion in the Grand Final of the Latin American League of Legends, securing a ticket to represent the region in Worlds 2021. I kept reading here… 4. Pope Francis: “As Christians the situation in Afghanistan commits us”

Through his social networks, the supreme pontiff referred to the critical situation of the country and assured that he follows with “great concern” the constant facts. I kept reading here… 5. They disrupted a clandestine party that was taking place in a restaurant

The City Police dismantled this morning a party with more than 380 people in a restaurant located on Mexico Street at 1100. I kept reading here… 6. Entre Ríos: More than 2 tons of marijuana seized

More than two tons of marijuana that were found in the coupling of a truck driven by a 52-year-old man, Brazilian nationality and who had a valid arrest warrant, were seized in the last hours in Entre Ríos by members of the City Police. I kept reading here… 7. 9Z Team presents its “Go Karts” event

The organization of esports brings us again a luxury event, it is the occasion of GO KARTS, the first live karting race via stream from the kartódromo of Buenos Aires. I kept reading here… 8. Arsenal 0 – Defence and Justice 0, a draw with pleasure to little

In the framework of the ninth date of the Professional Football League of the First Division of football, those of Sarandí received those of Varela. I kept reading here… 9. Arias, on the verge of breaking another record in Racing

The former goalkeeper of Defense and Justice, twice champion in La Academia, hopes to be left with the bow in zero to make history. I kept reading here… 10. After beating Colón, Independiente recovered the top of the championship and is excited

El Rojo beat Sabalero in Avellaneda and wants to fight for the championship, but in the coming days he could part with two of his figures. I kept reading here…

Original source in Spanish


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