translated from Spanish: The Minute of 30082021 Power

The week that begins is loaded: IPoM, will be the last one presented by Mario Marcel as president of the Central Bank; Monetary Policy Meeting (RPM) with the specter of inflation hovering; meeting of creditors of VivoCorp of Álvaro Saieh; and the time is approaching for the vote on the fourth withdrawal of pension funds, which would add to the US$ 50 billion that Chileans have already taken out of their savings. In the midst of this nebulous context, Ivan Weissman clears doubts in a new edition of El Semanal.

Already at the beginning of 2020, the national press warned of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the financing of the various civil society organizations, endangering not only social benefits, but also the 310,000 jobs that this sector provides. Given the economic situation imposed by the current pandemic, expenses are cut, donations cease and resources are refocused on addressing critical aspects derived from it. The topic is addressed by columnist Berta Sepúlveda, director of the Social Work career at the Autonomous University of Chile.

Close to the presidential candidate of Chile Podemos + assured that their annoyance was greater when he heard the President confirming to the press the departure of his former Undersecretary of Crime Prevention, Katherine Martorell. This is because in the command they had prepared a staging for Thursday, August 19, two days later, to present the new hire and face of the campaign. And Piñera watered down the party with his compulsion to be the protagonist. The details in our Unedited section.

The main threat to our democratic system today comes neither from economic inequality and poverty, nor from urban marginalization, nor from the criminal explosion of dangerous populations, disguised as politics. These aspects are only the social and political ecology that allows the real threat, corruption and organized crime, to come together to lay a siege of control over politics and all democracy. Chile is not a failed state, but it is on its way to being so, if its institutions do not work. Especially those in charge of investigating and applying the law, and guaranteeing the internal and external security of the country. We close this minute with an Editorial theme.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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