translated from Spanish: Filo.elecciones│María Eugenia Vidal confessed that she began to listen to L-Gante for CFK

L-Ghent’s 2021 had been explosive and its range seemed to be no greater. At least until the endorsement of none other than the Vice President of the Nation, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who further expanded the fame of the artist for both his own and others. Among them were not only the traditional media that echoed the statements of the former president, but also politicians of opposing political courts, as is the case of the pre-candidate for national deputy of the PRO in the City of Buenos Aires, María Eugenia Vidal.

This was announced by her in Filo.elecciones, the cycle of exclusive interviews conducted by Julio Leiva to the main candidates of the AMBA available on TikTok Live and YouTube consulted on what “new” music she listens to in addition to groups like Soda Stereo or The Beatles. I listened to L-Ghent, but I heard it since I heard about Cristina’s speech. And I’m starting through my son, who’s 13, to tackle the whole trap and freestyle genre,” she said. Before continuing, he remarked about L-Ghent: “I didn’t know him; I hadn’t seen it on social media and I started to get interested from that. My children, obviously, did know him. They would say, ‘Obvious, Mom,’ like… ‘how off the hook you are’. And yes: it’s true. My son does freestyle, I love what he does and I started to see the battles, all that world that is also good and has its art and its vibe, right? I started getting into it.” See what other candidates are going to be in Filo.elecciones in the coming days before the primary, open, simultaneous and mandatory elections.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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