translated from Spanish: Conventional Andrade and Grandón say they will donate the money they receive from the IFE

The conventional Cristóbal Andrade and Giovanna Grandón assured that they will donate the money they receive from the Emergency Family Income (IFE), after the controversy raised this day after the complaint of the deputies Karin Luck (RN) and Cristián Labbé (UDI).
Andrade noted that “I quit my job in June 2021, I received the IFE in May and June (…). The ones in July and August are in my Rut Account because it is not appropriate for me to spend it. There are two payments of $ 177 thousand pesos. There are two payments of $ 177 thousand pesos. They will be returned or donated to an entity that needs it.”
In the same vein, Giovanna Grandón said that “my case, my IFE was now $546 thousand pesos with five members in my family, where our only livelihood until July was that IFE. Now that I receive the conventional salary, it is the only salary that is in my family (…) if I have to return the IFE (…) I will return it, but I did my procedure, I did my update of the social protection file, which they told me took two to three months for it to be updated. ”
“The other alternative is to go to the common pots and camps where I was practically the entire pandemic helping, which I think would be the most logical, to go and deliver food to the people who really need, and not to lose the IFE once I return it to the State,” he closed.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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