translated from Spanish: Tolosa Paz used astrology to refer to the country: “Argentina is cancer”

Just days before the PASO, the pre-candidate for national deputy of the Frente de Todos for the province of Buenos Aires, Victoria Tolosa Paz, spoke on the program “Intratables” about countries having astral charts and for that reason she was criticized by different politicians. The comments that returned to Tolosa Paz trend in social networks arose when politics referred to his father, astrologer Juan Honorio: “He makes astral charts to many people and it is very incredible because sometimes it is surprised that politics, many friends and leaders, like to know about stars.” He added: “Not only we have an astral chart: countries have an astral chart. Argentina is cancer. Why is it cancer? By the day it became independent as a country, July 9, 1816. There are movements in the world that study the letters of the countries and see how they are. It’s very interesting.”

“Hence the crisis of ’29 in the United States, the collapse of the Twin Towers. Why is what happened in the crisis of 2001,” concluded the pre-candidate for deputy on the subject. Tolosa Paz’s statements earned him several criticisms from his rivals in the elections on September 12. One of the first to criticize her was neuroscientist Facundo Manes, Diego Santilli’s rival at the PASO of Juntos por el Cambio in Buenos Aires. “As much as they want to blame the stars, our problems are the product of formulas and the same as always. Against that we have to rebel this Sunday,” he said. For his part, Mario Negri, head of the interbloc of Together for Change in Deputies, appealed to irony. “The only thing missing! Now the ‘government of scientists’ uses astrology to tell us why we are so bad. Stop looking at the stars and look at the mess they made. Fortunately, it did not occur to them to consult the spirit of the sorcerer López Rega,” said the pre-candidate for senator for Córdoba. The only thing missing from this campaign is for Victoria Tolosa Paz to say that Argentina needs astrology. Do not lower taxes, do not generate employment, do not control inflation, ASTROLOGY. They think we’re idiots. The message at the polls has to be forceful,” said Ricardo López Murphy, a pre-candidate for deputy for Republicans Unidos in the City of Buenos Aires. 

Original source in Spanish


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