translated from Spanish: La Renga denied Javier Milei for his recital in an official act

La Renga demonstrated again after Javier Milei used one of his songs during a campaign event and the liberal accused them of having charged to play in an act of Cristina Kirchner in 2013.La band born in Mataderos published a statement with the title “You are going to use your press to crush me” of his song “A la carga mi rocanrol”. 

You’re going to use your press to crush me:
There are some media reporting badly, La Renga did not charge when we were invited to play at the celebrations of the 30 years of democracy.
“Lighting the Way” #larenga — La Renga (@larenga)
September 10, 2021

There he explained that “there are some media reporting badly” since the band did not charge “when we were invited to play at the celebrations of the 30 years of democracy.” The act mentioned by La Renga and for which Javier Milei accused them of charging was on December 10, 2013, when the government of Cristina Kirchner organized a celebration for the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the assumption of Raúl Alfonsín.

On that occasion, in addition to La Renga, Victor Heredia, Leon Gieco, Susana Rinaldi and Cacho Castaña, among others, also played.” They charged for singing in an act of Cristina and what bothers them is the use of the theme of a liberal, “Milei had snapped on Tuesday.

Original source in Spanish


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