translated from Spanish: Lawyer of Rojas Vade said that conventional has a “serious illness that is not covered by the AUGE”

Tomás Ramírez, lawyer of the conventional Rodrigo Rojas Vade gave details about the situation that the representative is going through, after lying in his medical diagnosis. In conversation with CHV Noticias, he addressed the proceedings carried out by the Investigation Police. “During the next few weeks we will be collecting all the medical and financial background to present to the PDI when Rodrigo testifies,” he said. “The PDI must carry out other diligences and we have to collect all the background,” he said. He also confirmed that Rojas Vade is being investigated for perjury, due to the declaration of interests he made, where he claimed to have a millionaire debt for chemotherapy treatment. “The information that is required is to deliver the existence and amount of debt. The origin of that debt is a declaration outside the interest of that declaration and whether he had said any different origin is irrelevant. I insist, the origin of the debt is irrelevant to the extent that it is not linked to a crime.” However, the lawyer maintained that “the problem lies in the fact that it is a conventional and it is a serious administrative offense that has to be sanctioned, but it is not a criminal offense.” “He committed an ethical and administrative offense, but not a criminal one,” he replied. On the illness he says he has, Ramirez said that “it is serious. It generates situations with vital risk. The money collected was to pay the expenses and debts that are caused by this serious disease that is not covered by the AUGE.”

Original source in Spanish


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