translated from Spanish: Mocorito Trustee May Be Required by Law

Mocorito, Sinaloa.- The lawsuit process against the ombudsman of the City of Mocorito, Cristina Mápula Lares, has not reached good terms. According to recent information, she could be required again to testify before the law for obstruction of justice to the process of suing the City Council on the part of the former police.   If confirmed by the competent authority, it would be the second time that she presents herself as accused of the crime of obstruction of justice and declares what she has to declare so that she complies and defends herself, said the defense lawyer, Enrique Román Cruz.  Months after the process against her began, the official has not reached an agreement, and if the appearance is notified, the legal situation would be complicated.  More details about the process in which the ombudsman is in is unknown, since a statement or statement on her part has not been released recently. Read more: Low hotel occupancy due to Covid-19 certificates in MazatlanIt should be mentioned that in his last statements he commented that they were in talks to achieve an agreement between the parties. More clean energy! AMLO announces possibility of installing electric turbine in Picachos dam in Sinaloa

Original source in Spanish


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