translated from Spanish: The Minute of 13092021 Power

Inflation, withdrawals and UF
Congress will vote on the fourth withdrawal of the AFP and President Sebastián Piñera summoned the Financial Stability Board, which after meeting warned of the strong impact on the recovery of the economy if new withdrawals are approved. In that scenario, some politicians began to discuss the elimination of the Development Unit, just when the government’s proposal to reform the pension system with a short law will begin to be discussed. The backdrop in a new edition of El Semanal.
Resolve citizen complaints
The Transitional Committee on the Rules of Procedure of the Constitutional Convention approved the inclusion – among the topics to be dealt with – of the institution of the Ombudsman (Ombudsman), a legal figure of Swedish origin (1809), aimed at safeguarding the rights of citizens in relation to the Administration. Do we need an advocacy? Is it a debate that corresponds to these instances? How will it link up with other related bodies? Columnist Juan Pablo Díaz Fuenzalida addresses these questions.
About trust
“The cases of former mayor Torrealba and constituent Rojas Vade are a real slap in the slap on the already deteriorated confidence in Chilean politics.” Germán Silva Cuadra writes in today’s featured opinion.
The emails of Jean Pierre Matus, the letter from La Moneda to the Supreme Court, on behalf of the DINE
With a solid academic background in criminal matters, Matus has been criticized by human rights organizations for his closeness to the Chilean Army, but he has justified it by saying that he only provided professional services to elaborate a “compliance” manual, in order to improve his internal processes. But emails to which El Mostrador had access reveal its role of commercial intermediation, undeclared, on behalf of the DINE (Directorate of Intelligence of the Army), before the company IBM, headquarters Colombia. Details here.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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