translated from Spanish: Power and humility

“Humility is the shame you feel when you tell others how wonderful you are.” Laurence J. Peter President López Obrador has repeatedly taken hold of his humility. “I look small, but I’m not self-conscious, I’m a Republican,” he said in a video on Aug. 20, 2020. Power is humility.” He compared his humility to the extravagance of his predecessors: “These looked like kings, look at the luxuries that were given,” he said when showing the presidential plane already raffled, but not yet sold. Some of those who have achieved positions of power under the protection of the president; however, they have other data and place their boss on an Olympus and imagine him deserving of the cult that surrenders to national heroes. “Long live López Obrador!” shouted the consul in Istanbul, Isabel Arvide, at the ceremony on September 15, after throwing a live also to Miguel Hidalgo, which provoked boos and questions from some attendees. An indignant woman told him that she respects López Obrador, and hopes that he will finish his six-year term well, but: “Mexico is not López Obrador. He doesn’t go with the heroes of independence.” Arvide’s thanks are understood. Just on January 9, 2020, he arrived at the morning press conference to ask the president for government advertising money for his website. I don’t know if the austerity regime approved the chayote, but the president appointed her consul in Istanbul despite having no diplomatic experience or knowledge. Arvide is not the only official who took advantage of this year’s scream ceremony to worship the president. Clara Brugada, mayor of Iztapalapa, went a step further in the lambisconería and threw alive not only López Obrador but Claudia Sheinbaum. The governor of Baja California, Jaime Bonilla, also asked for a live for Andrés Manuel. Layda Sansores launched one for the Fourth Transformation, although later she went to celebrate before the portrait of her father, former governor Carlos Sansores Pérez, el Negro, one of the most powerful regional caciques of the twentieth century, who was also national president of the PRI. The admiration of those close to them for their leader is always surprising. Irma Eréndira Sandoval, dismissed as secretary of the civil service on June 21, 2021, affirmed on February 23, 2020 that AMLO was the “most feminist president in contemporary history.” Despite his statements of humility, the president himself has not been exempt from overvaluing himself. “I am going to show you,” he said on July 7, 2021, “–, I apologize, do not be very offended by our adversaries. I’m going to tell you about a worldwide survey of presidents. And what do they believe? El de Tepetitán [su pueblo de nacimiento], you know who, it’s in the first place of approval. We are up with 66 percent.” In his third government report, on September 1, 2021, he boasted a series of alleged economic records that he concluded with the phrase: “It’s as if to say to neoliberal technocrats: ‘Have it to learn.'” I prefer the president who boasts humility. I’m very concerned about the cult of personality. Rulers everywhere easily lose ground and stop seeing their mistakes and the problems that affect the population. Let’s hope that López Obrador discards courtly adulations and recovers that humility of which he has boasted so much. THE DICTATORAyer, while cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel was giving a speech at our national celebrations, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning his government for violently repressing Cubans. I agree with AMLO when he calls for the cessation of the economic embargo, which has only served to strengthen the dictatorship, but not in inviting the dictator to talk to us about independence and freedom.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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