translated from Spanish: “Even in heaven there is immigration control,” says Francisco Garduño

Coahuila.- The commissioner of the National Institute of Migration (INM), Francisco Garduño Yáñez met last Wednesday with the authorities of the state of Coahuila and elements of the Border Patrol of the United States to coordinate immigration control actions, and denied citing an example that in Mexico there are open borders for the passage of the undocumented. Use the example, although it is not similar, but in the sky there is immigration control,” the commissioner told the media after being questioned about the multitude of migrants who have arrived in the northern part of the country, with the intention of crossing into the United States. deceived by extortionists, with the false promise, that they could enter the United States. During his meeting with the authorities, he indicated that actions would be taken to assist and assist migrants who are in the border region, since on the Mexican side, the head of the INM asked the government agencies to advance in administrative procedures so that migrants who have requested asylum or refuge can acquire it. Read more: The sismos are still going! More than 1,200 aftershocks of the earthquake of 7s are reportedFrancisco Garduño Yáñez reiterated that the commitment of the Government of Mexico is to maintain safe, orderly and regular migration, as established by law, but with a humanist vision that allows to provide all the support and attention to those who are in a condition of mobility, especially to vulnerable groups made up of girls, children, adolescents and older adults. VIDEO. Fans raise their dogs to recreate lion king scene

Original source in Spanish

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