translated from Spanish: TEPJF plans to confirm Samuel García as governor of NL

The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) is shaping up to discard the challenge presented by the PRD against the gubernatorial election of the state of Nuevo León and, with it, confirm Samuel García as governor-elect. In the document corresponding to the project of Judge José Luis Vargas Valdez, which was made public on Monday, September 27, the complaint filed by Sol Azteca requesting the nullity of the electoral elections of June 6 is considered inadmissible. Vargas Valdez points out that although the comments of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in his morning conferences against the PRI-PRD candidate in Nuevo León, Adrián de la Garza, for the use of cards for the delivery of economic support, violated the principle of equity and neutrality, they did not affect the result of the election day. Since the Superior Chamber of the TEPJF began to vent the appeals filed in that instance, it has been discarding each of the complaints against Samuel García Sepúlveda and Movimiento Ciudadano (MC). Read more: “He pushed millions”, Vicente Fox claims AMLO for poverty in MexicoA few weeks ago he abolished the millionaire economic fines that the National Electoral Institute (INE) had imposed on the orange party and the emecista for the promotion of Mariana Rodríguez, García’s wife, in their social networks in favor of the vote of the former senator. Woman deprived of liberty jumps from car to movement

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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