translated from Spanish: Gloria Estefan reveals she was abused by a family member

Cuban-American singer Gloria Estefan revealed yesterday that she was sexually abused when she was nine years old by a relative. Although he did not give names, he said that it was someone who had a music school and in whom his mother trusted. The incident happened while chatting with his niece Lili Estefan and daughter Emily Estefan during an episode of “Red Table Talk: The Estefans,” which airs on Facebook Watch. He was in a powerful position, because my mom put me in her music school and he immediately started telling her that I was very talented and that I needed special attention,” she said. He terrified me. And I knew he was crazy because at no point did I think this was happening for me. I knew he was wrong and that’s why I believed him when he told me he would hurt my mother.” The artist said that at that time her mother was not suspicious of the situation because, among other things, “those things were not talked about in her time”, until she decided to tell it. Then the police came and told my mom not to file (file) charges because the trauma of putting me on a stand (in court), was going to be worse for me. And I still feel horrible about it, imagining that there could have been more victims,” he confessed.

Original source in Spanish


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