translated from Spanish: Between pro- and anti-immigrant demonstrations in Iquique Government announced that new migration law begins to operate

The Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, announced that from Monday the Northern Macrozone of the country will have three Regional Directorates of the National Migration Service, within the framework of the new Migration Law. This after days of indefinition in the face of the acute migratory crisis in the north of the country – particularly in the communes of Iquique and Colchane – with the massive arrival of foreign citizens through irregular crossings and in the midst of a wave of protests for and against migrants.
From La Moneda, Delgado announced that in Arica and Parinacota the regional director of migration will be Daniel Sánchez, in Tarapacá the chosen one will be Claudio Chamorro and Antofagasta, Richard Bórquez. All will begin in their new positions this Monday, October 4.
The Secretary of State assured that the regional directors will have to work together with the institutions of the northern macrozone, and their functions will be to execute the migration policy, considering the new law and the respective legal factors.
Specifically, said the chief of staff, “this regional director will be able to work on social cohesion between Chileans and migrants, with all institutions, at different levels and in agreement with the police. So that when we have to execute expulsions to those who commit crimes in Chile, this regional director will endorse and sign those procedures. And one of the instructions that these three people are going to have, and then to the 16 regional managers, is precisely that what the new legislation on expulsions says can be applied to the letter.”
“It will be ensured that the procedures conform to the new regulations, so that when we have to expel a person who has committed a crime or who has seriously failed to comply with the migration law, the procedure is done as appropriate, so that that person can be expelled as the law says,” he reiterated.
Delgado also had words for the demonstrations that took place today in different parts of Santiago, Iquique and Antofagasta. “Based on what we saw last week,” he added, “we repudiate that differences are resolved with violence, burning. That applies to Iquique but also to what we see many times in the Alameda, when with a Molotov you want to burn.”
“We are working so that the marches called or self-convened by social networks are carried out in a peaceful way,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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