Jorge Lanata went out to cross the sayings of María Laura Santillán

María Laura Santillán returned to television as a guest, after she was disassociated from Telenoche after 17 years. In a conversation with Jonatan Viale on LN+, Santillán spoke for the first time about that exit from the newscast and explained why, according to her, the channel’s decision was due.” I don’t turn things around much, for me they wanted younger people. Because it is. Or more akin to the government, I don’t know. But I think so. Even if people look for people who are not so young,” he began by saying, but not before clarifying that it was very difficult for him to return to television since he was very sad. I was very sad and I did not accept any invitation, because I missed a lot, it was thirty years every day, because Telenoche was 17, but since Fax I was every day, and it is rare, and although I am every day on the radio the same, “he said. He added: “In general people want familiarity, to be told the news by someone with history. But hey, someone from the channel decided that she was old, with how pendeja I am!, she tried to decompress.

However, it was Jorge Lanata in his radio program who criticized the journalist’s statements and questioned her reasons.” It is wrong for me to say that, it is not so, you simply have to watch Telenoche to see that it is not finally the government. Apart from that, I think it is very unfair to Luciana Geuna, who said it for her, because Diego (Leuco) saves him,” he began by saying on Radio Mitre. It seems to me that he is wrong and unfair towards Luciana for millions of things. María Laura Santillán was not removed either because she was old or because she was not finally the government. To say in this context that the program is finally to the government seems to me that it is wrong and unfair to Luciana,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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