“Pandora Papers”: Pro-government parties back Piñera after meeting in La Moneda and accuse “pyrotechnics” for elections

President Sebastián Piñera received the presidents of the ruling parties on Saturday morning in La Moneda. The appointment takes place after the Prosecutor’s Office opened an ex officio investigation against the President for possible crimes in the sale of Minera Dominga.In this context, the ministers of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Juan José Ossa, and the Secretary General of the Government, Jaime Bellolio, also participated.After the meeting, the party leaders referred to what was discussed in the instance and expressed their support for the president. In this sense, the president of National Renewal, Francisco Chahuán, confirmed that “the parties of our government coalition, we have asked the President for this meeting to convey our signal of support.” With this, he assured that the case and the constitutional accusation announced by the opposition that it is a “pyrotechnics that seeks to generate an electoral effect” and would be “a white coup”. The same line followed the helmsman of the UDI, Javier Macaya, replying that it is an “unfounded constitutional accusation” and that it would be “delivering a white blow to democracy.” On the accusation, he indicated that “the votes are not, but in the House, at least in the Senate. (…) It is not appropriate for a tool to be politically occupied.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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