Covid-19 cases increased by 32% in the last week

The increase is slight, but, in recent days, sustained. And turn on some alarms. In the last week, coronavirus cases are up 32%. Yesterday, the Ministry of Health reported 1,541 infections, the highest figure since October 1. Since that date, the number of daily infections did not exceed 1,400.
Cases increased in 15 of the 24 districts. However, the figures remain well below those before the first wave.

The rise coincides with the openings arranged by the national government, which included the return of the public to the stadiums, the opening of bowling alleys and even the elimination of the recommendation of the mandatory use of the mask in open spaces -provided that you are not in situations where there is agglomeration of people-.
Another factor that could also drive the rise in cases is the increasing circulation of the Delta variant. In Salta, yesterday, they reported 25 cases with this lineage; the Government of Neuquén announced the community circulation of the Delta variant in the province; and in the AMBA 50% of cases are caused by the strain originally detected in India.A fact that contrasts with this indicator is that of the number of inmates in intensive care units, which remains around 37% nationwide, and amounts to 42% in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA). The impact of these openings will be seen in the coming days, experts say. However, there is a possibility that the impact of a possible new wave of infections will be less, mainly due to the advance of vaccination, which already reaches 54% of the population with the complete scheme.” It is expected that infections will continue to increase, but it is expected that increasing the rate of vaccination will have the least possible impact in terms of hospitalizations and deaths, having more than 70% of the population vaccinated, including adolescents and children, “explained to TN the infectious disease doctor Elena Obieta.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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