Rusher King recalled his harsh childhood: “We drank mate cocido at noon and at night.”

Rusher King, of the singers of the moment and partner of María Becerra, appeared on the program hosted by Andy Kusnetzoff, PH: We Can Talk, and told details of his hard childhood: “We drank mate cooked at noon and at night the same with bread,” he recalled. In this sense, he explained what his parents did in Santiago del Estero, his native province: “My dad is a taxi driver and my mom is a housewife. I had a very, very humble childhood. My dad worked all day but sometimes we didn’t have enough to eat, being a taxi driver in Santiago the money was not enough.” Despite the difficulties, he remarked that his parents were always present and supported him: “My dad and my mom were in charge of giving us what we could. We didn’t demand gifts, toys or things because we knew we couldn’t.”

In this harsh context, the big change in his life came at 16 when he started doing freestyle: “It was what the kids did and I liked it a lot. It was when El Quinto Escalón exploded here. My parents supported me and when they saw that I started winning competitions and coming back with prize shirts they started to bank me more,” he recalled. One day I started making songs because I thought it was what I liked to do the most. I decided to come to Buenos Aires because here is the center of everything, where everything happens. I came alone and I’ve been here for about two years. Now I started to do very well but at first with my friends we slept in the basement of a hairdresser,” he added.

While finally, he concluded: “A year ago I started living from this, I moved in with my friends. We all come from below, but today we are kids who appreciate the position we have very much. We are very young, but we want to encourage the youngest to know that it is possible. Before it was impossible to live from the urban genre but today it is more normalized and it is a good point for the music industry.”  

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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