Air Conditioning Fundamentalists return to the stage

The group created by Carlos Alberto Solari, better known as the Indio Solari, Los Fundamentalistas del Aire Acondicionado will give a show in La Plata on December 11 and another on February 19 next year in Rosario.

I will be a herald of good news:
The Fundamentalists are very happy to announce the return to the stage. On December 11 they will be performing at the Estadio Único de La Plata and on February 19 at the Hipódromo de Rosario. — Indio Solari Oficial (@Indio_Solari_ok)
October 27, 2021

The news was announced by Indio Solari, through his Twitter account, who commented: “I will be a herald of good news. The Fundamentalists are very happy to announce the return to the stage. On December 11 they will be performing at the Estadio Único de La Plata and on February 19 at the Hippodrome of Rosario.” In addition, the musician reported that he will participate in the shows in another role: “In both concerts I will participate as a guest, virtually in some songs.” Finally, tickets for the La Plata show will be on sale from this coming Friday at 15:00 and those of Rosario from the beginning of December. In both cases, they can be purchased through Your

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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