November 17 Why is sculptor’s Day celebrated in our country?

Unlike the Day of the International Sculptor, on November 17, in our country, the Day of the Sculptor and the Plastic Arts is celebrated and commemorated in honor of Lola Mora, born on a day like today but from 1867

Mora was the first Argentine and Ibero-American sculptor. He studied fine arts in the province of Tucumán and then continued his career in Rome (Italy), where he had the opportunity to be the pupil of the outstanding artist Giulio Monteverde.In 1894, he exhibited for the first time a large collection of all those portraits of the Tucumán governors that he produced so far. The exhibition received very good reviews and somehow put her on the map of the pictorial stage as an outstanding artist. Later, he donated this same collection entirely to that northern province. His teacher Falcucci once said: “It was the copy of a photograph, but it had everything of its own, of individual on the invoice.”

Monument to the flag, city of Rosario, Santa Fe

A self-portrait of him won the gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris.

Her work was not only recognized for her work, but for her fight for women and break down stereotypes about them. One of his most recognized works is perhaps, The Fountain of the Nereids, which represents these mythological beings who attend the birth of the goddess Venus, located in the area of the southern waterfront at the height of Av. Dr. Tristán Achával Rodríguez 1401.

Other of his notable works are the high reliefs commissioned by the National Government, on the occasion of the remodeling that was underway in the Historic House of Tucumán. There, he represented may 25, 1810, on the balconies of the Cabildo of Buenos Aires.

Likewise, and in her honor, since 2000, the General Directorate of Women of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires annually awards the Lola Mora Prize to those who, from the media, fight every day to demolish gender stereotypes. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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