New vs. Used Cars: What to Buy in Pandemic

The global situation in terms of cars changed drastically due to the effects of the pandemic, which is still hitting the automotive industry. This instability translates into an explosive demand that alters the production of new vehicles, which are currently scarce due to lack of stock and chips. 
Under this scenario, people have turned to buy used cars that in many cases is a quick and convenient option, despite the high prices that second-hand vehicles have registered. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of these options?, the commercial manager of OLX Autos, Marco Zúñiga, gives a vision on the factors that must be considered when taking one or another option.
Disadvantages of buying a new car
Standby time: According to marco Zúñiga, this is one of the main problems that the industry has had to sell new cars, since in some cases these have a delay time in delivery of up to 12 months.
Tied sales: As a result of the shortage of these vehicles in the country, there are several automakers that condition the sale of a new car to the consumer acquiring an automotive loan with them, or leaving the car in part of payment. This point is a malpractice frequently reported by customers, and violates consumer law.
You must pay a VAT of 19%: When buying a new car you must pay a VAT of 19%, which is automatically lost when leaving the dealership.
Depreciation of the value of the car: If you book a car today, this does not necessarily guarantee that it will be the same price at the date of delivery, since these deadlines have been extended as a result of sanitary restrictions, and the transport of cars from one continent to another has been reduced for this reason.
Advantages of buying a used car
Immediate availability: In the case of the company, there are more than 600 cars in stock to choose from variety in models and brands, therefore, if people are looking for a car to work or as a means of transport, you will surely find an option that suits your needs, achieving an immediate delivery, without long waits that today exist in most new car cars.
Up-to-date documents: The used cars already come with the papers up to date and paid, including the technical review and circulation permit until the following year, a situation different from the new car, which the buyer will have to take care of those procedures and expenses.
Exchange guarantees: There are used car sales that offer guarantees in case the customer does not like the car. Some also offer this service if the vehicle has defects or problems within 30 days. Also, if the buyer didn’t like the vehicle or it wasn’t what they expected, they can return it within 7 days.
Quality review and inspection: One Exhaustive review of a used car, is essential when buying it, since you can know what are the real conditions of the vehicle that is acquired. According to Zúñiga, the revision available on this platform is 240 points, a differentiating element in relation to other purchases. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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