Eugenio Tuma resigns from the PPD after 30 years of militancy: he described as “unpresentable” and “hasty” the party’s decision to support Gabriel Boric

Former Senator Eugenio Tuma announced on Tuesday his decision to resign from the Party for Democracy (PPD), a group of which he was a militant for a period of 30 years.
Through a statement, Tuma reported that although he feels grateful to the PPD, he described as “unpresentable” that the community did not consult its militants the “hasty” decision to adhere to the presidential candidacy of Gabriel Boric (I approve Dignity), who will be measured in the second round with José Antonio Kast (Christian Social Front).
“Sunday’s election results show us a country ent between two extremes of the ultra-right and the ultra-left, disappearing the political center that prevents citizens from choosing a sensible option, distant from the ideological poles and with the common sense of Chileans, the center-left parties or what remains of them on the night of the election ran to express their support for the far-left option of unconditionally, pressured by the blackmail of the threat of the other pole that could reach the Currency, “said the now former militant of the PPD.
In his opinion, “neither Kast confronts the dictator and his market model, nor Boric tolerating vandalism and violence, constitute a solution to the demands of the population. Clearly today any path is bad for democracy, for Chile and its people.”
“The parties and coalitions that governed from 90 to date can be proud of the remarkable progress made in indicators such as poverty from 52% to 10.6%, rural drinking water coverage from 48% to 94%, health spending from 1.7% of GDP to 4.9% on education from 2.3% to 5.4%, to name a few, but they should also feel shame for the inability to offer a Social Security system that guarantees decent pensions, for not guaranteeing the safety of people in the face of violence and crime and for the endless waiting lists in terms of health or housing, among other legitimate demands long unsatisfied, “he added.
“Faced with this reality, we must prepare to strengthen the formation of a political force that fills the vacuum of the center-left in the medium term with a sensible, viable, realistic, transversal, less ideological proposal that promotes changes without violence and with social justice. The fear of the triumph of the right does not mean that we are the guarantors of formulas already failed without exception in other parts of the world,” Tuma concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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