Comfort is not synonymous with tranquility nor is it the anticipation of supposed happiness. Being comfortable is often the main factor of the opposite. The fleeting pleasure produced by the inertia of traveling through calm waters and friendly plains, in the long run produce sudden jolts capable of uprooting everything that provided permanent security. If a benefit has the comfort this would be to prepare ourselves to face the opposite with fortitude and gallantry thanks to energy savings. After the stage of forced confinement for thousands of students and after having experienced a period of relative home comfort where the comfort of the domestic environment deprived for more than a year, new challenges arise for children, young people and teachers because those who are returning to classes are no longer the same ones who retired home more than twenty months ago even if they have the same name and surname and study a higher degree the one they had and have passing grades mostly. We are missing many. Some stayed on the road for family reasons; others for economic reasons will no longer be part of the group they belonged to and an immense majority will continue to live the route of momentary triumphant returns to continue the slow march of constant progress. The routine of confinement is over; ended the isolation of a forced privacy. Today’s challenges are faster, more demanding, more dynamic. Lost time is never recovered, but the will to live is; more so when freedom is the compass that guides us. The worst thing about comfort is perhaps that it subtly denies us the possibility of exercising the right to walk through the territory of life and that is serious.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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