Senate appoints Martha Yuriria Rodríguez as the new head of the CEAV

By a qualified majority in the plenary session of the Senate of the Republic, this Thursday Martha Yuriria Rodríguez Estrada was appointed as the new head of the Executive Commission for Attention to Victims (CEAV).
In the session of this December 9, a total of 99 votes were cast to elect the new head of the agency. Of these, 76 were in favor of Martha Yuriria Rodríguez Estrada; 20 votes in favor of Claudia Lilia Cruz Santiago; 1 vote in favour of Luis Fernando Rosas Ramírez, 0 abstentions and 2 invalid votes.

✅ A total of 99 votes were cast, of which 2 are void.
▪️ 76, for Martha Rodríguez Estrada.
▪️ 20, for Claudia Cruz Santiago.
▪️ one, for Luis Rosas Ramírez.
Consequently, Martha Rodríguez Estrada is appointed by a qualified majority as the head of the @CEAVmex.
— Senate of Mexico (@senadomexicano) December 9, 2021

Olga Sánchez Cordero, president of the Senate, proceeded to make the appointment of Rodríguez Estrada as head of the CEAV and immediately protested to those present.
“Thank you very much for having finished this process that we had so pending for many, many months for the appointment of the head of the CEAV, it was very important that we could achieve this appointment, I thank you for your patience and attention,” said Sánchez Cordero.
According to the official website of the Senate, Grisel Galeano García remained in charge of the Commission after the resignation – the second in less than a year – of the temporary appointee, Carlos Andrés Vázquez Murillo.

More about it: CEAV will operate in 2022 with a deficit of more than one thousand 600 million; jeopardized payments and hiring
The proposal of the candidates for the appointment of the Executive Commissioner of the CEAV was proposed since December 2020 by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
The president put to the consideration of the Senate of the Republic the shortlist, composed of Martha Yuriria Rodríguez Estrada, Claudia Lilia Cruz Santiago and Luis Fernando Rosas Ramírez.
Rodríguez Estrada has a degree in Law from the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), has completed several diplomas, all taught by the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH).
Her most recent positions have been as Liaison Director of the Strategic Litigation Unit of the Federal Institute of public defenders; Head of the Comprehensive Care Center in Yucatan of the Executive Commission for Attention to Victims and Training Specialist of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Two previous resignations and lack of budget
At the beginning of 2021, the CEAV experienced the second resignation from the management in less than a year with the departure of Andrés Vázquez, after six months of having assumed that responsibility in replacement of the then titular commissioner, Mara Gómez Pérez, who also resigned from the position in June 2020.
Andrés Vázquez was appointed by the Governing Board of the CEAV as head of the institution’s office on June 24, while the selection process of a new commissioner was being carried out.
The appointment came after Mara Gomez submitted her resignation amid a controversy in which she denounced the government’s intention to cut up to 60% of the commission’s budget: “You cannot transform an institution without support.”
You may be interested: “If the CEAV trust is eliminated, we will not be able to continue searching”: families of the disappeared
In February, Animal Político reported that the agency had reached a critical point in its fundamental work: payments for reparation of damage and compensation to victims, which plummeted more than 80% in 2020.
The resources for these payments came from the Fund for Aid, Assistance and Integral Reparation (FAARI) that last year was eliminated by presidential decree; which also affected the payment to workers.
As if that were not enough, the Chamber of Deputies approved a budget for 2022 of 958.2 million pesos, that is, a cut of 62.8% compared to what the Commission itself had proposed for its proper functioning.
This means that next year the CEAV will operate with a budget deficit of more than 1,600 million pesos, which must be used to guarantee payments for reparations of the damage to almost 3,000 victims and hire almost 150 officials.
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Original source in Spanish


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