Judge links to trial man who ran over pilgrims in Tlalpan

The driver who ran over 12 pilgrims on Calzada de Tlalpan was linked to prosecution for the crimes of qualified intentional injuries.
The judge said that the driver, in addition to driving while intoxicated, did not respect the signs and changed lanes abruptly, which caused him to run over the pilgrims who were circulating on Tlalpan.
In addition, the judge confirmed the justified preventive detention, so René “N” will remain in the prison until the closing of the investigations, a period that is fulfilled in two months.

Regarding co-pilot Alejandro “N”, who is accused of resistance to individuals, the judge agreed to modify the precautionary measure.
That is, he will continue his process in freedom and must go to a periodic signature, in addition to not being able to contact the victims.
The two men were arrested by elements of the Secretariat of Citizen Security, after running over several cyclists members of a round of pilgrims who were heading from Xochimilco to the Basilica of Guadalupe, in Mexico City, on December 5.

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Original source in Spanish


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