He ran over cyclists and runners in Palermo and escaped: a woman died

Five cyclists and runners who were exercising in the Forests of Palermo on this second day of the year, were hit by the driver of a car that, after the incident, escaped. A woman who was in serious condition died. The incident occurred shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Avenida Figueroa Alcorta, almost at the intersection with Avenida Dorrego. According to witness statements, police sources reported that the Ford Focus vehicle hit a sign and ended up on top of the bike path, where there was a group of people exercising. The driver was accompanied by a man and two girls, aged 20 and 22, who were delayed by City Police personnel and were at the disposal of the Justice. Meanwhile, the subjects fled aboard a black Jeep Grand Cherokee that arrived at the scene after the incident. However, two hours after the fact and thanks to the Digital Ring, police personnel from the Province visualized that car -which collaborated with the escape- and stopped it. Four people were traveling in it: the 32-year-old fugitive, two people of 29 and the rest of 20, who were detained in the Avellaneda 1st Commissioner. The victims who were injured were transferred to the Fernández and Rivadavia hospitals by four SAME ambulances, which were immediately present at the scene. Among them was a cyclist, who hit the windshield of the Ford Focus and died at the Fernández Hospital. “When the ambulance arrived I was in cardiorespiratory arrest. He had a drain because he had blood and air in his lungs, what we call a hemopneumothorax,” explained the head of the SAME, Alberto Crescenti, in statements to the Todo Noticias (TN) channel. In addition, he said that the other four injured “have various polytraumatisms and exposed fractures in the lower limbs and fractures in the upper limbs.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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