Alberto Fernández, after the launch of the picosatellite: “This is sovereignty”

In the afternoon, Argentina put a satellite back into work and in this case it was the picosatellite “General San Martín”, developed in Mar del Plata, and which had the virtual presence of Alberto Fernández, president of the Nation, accompanying the moment live virtually. Accompanied by the Minister of Productive Development, Matías Kulfas, the president took a few minutes to express himself about this situation and also to chat live with the team that carried out the production of the section that will provide internet access to agricultural producers. ” This is sovereignty, that we can know issues as important as the climatology of a country that needs to know it to develop agriculture, livestock, to safeguard people from eventual overflowing rivers, rains and inclement weather, “said the president.

LIVE | President Alberto Fernández participates virtually in the launch to be held in the United States of the “General San Martín” mini-satellite, which will provide internet access in rural areas throughout the country — Casa Rosada (@CasaRosada)
January 13, 2022

Highlighting the project of the Marplatense company InnovaSpace, the Casa Rosada added in a statement that “the Ministry of Productive Development allocated almost 50 million pesos, in addition to facilitating the generation of an incipient business niche for the country.” Admire those who are in Mar del Plata, who are Argentines with an enormous vocation to see their homeland grow, to connect to their homeland and to reach places where sometimes the internet does not reach. The Internet makes the development of a country and is something that any Argentine must access,” said Alberto Fernández.
The satellite is of the PocketQube type, which has a weight of 1 kilogram and approximate measurements of 50mm x 50mm x 150mm, and has among other objectives “to enhance the productivity of the country, collaborate in the technification of processes, provide online and remote information on the status of crops and livestock, and collaborate to reduce costs in the launch of satellites”. In addition to the president, the Minister of Productive Development, Matías Kulfas, expressed himself and stressed that “initiatives like this show us everything we Argentines can do when we come together to value knowledge and enhance production.”

Argentina will send its first picosatellite into space ️ The launch of this miniature device is a milestone for the domestic industry. The knowledge economy generates quality employment and key exports for our country. It shows us that it is present and future. — Santiago Cafiero (@SantiagoCafiero)
January 13, 2022

“Boosting the aerospace industry is critical. That’s why, since we took office, we have financed 22 projects in the sector for $404 million. This positions us in the world with our own communications satellites, allows us to create jobs and generate technological advances,” he said on social networks. Santiago Cafiero, Argentine Foreign Minister, commented that “the launch of this miniature device is a milestone for the national industry. The knowledge economy generates quality employment and key exports for our country. It shows us that it is present and future.”
While Daniel Filmus, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Nation said that the picosatellite “not only means a new step towards the generation of sovereignty in the aerospace and communication field but, with the image of malvinas on its front, it also disseminates and reaffirms our territorial sovereignty.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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