Drug Law II: CIF denies payments made to advisor

The Chamber of Pharmaceutical Innovation of Chile (CIF) dismissed the conflict of interest denounced by the Association of Independent Pharmacies (AFFI) after sending a letter to the Senate for the suspension of the Drugs II Bill, which accused the advisor Andrea Martones of receiving millionaire payments from the CIF.
Through a statement, the Chamber of Pharmaceutical Research denied what was denounced by the Association of Pharmacies and anticipated that they have not committed any fault.
“We dismiss outright and qualify as absolutely false the recent publications that indicate the execution of an irregular payment from the Chamber of Pharmaceutical Innovation to the company Martones Spa or that this has some relationship with current or past bills in process,” they say.
Faced with the complaint of payments received, the CIF was clear and responded that “said payment corresponds to the work for which the company Martones Spa was hired, which has the sole and exclusive relationship with the design of the project ‘The Patient Route’. ” The work carried out by Martones Spa has been publicly transparent by Andrea Martones in the instances in which he has exhibited in Congress,” he adds.
On the other hand, they add that the company was hired “given its experience in issues of public health, safety, rights and duties of patients.” In addition, they point out that the company was hired for specific advisory tasks.
“As established in the contract, the work to be carried out by the company included the collection and review of relevant information for patient education, subsequent systematization and follow-up advice in the design of the digital platform,” he says.
“For the Chamber of Pharmaceutical Innovation of Chile, transparency is and will be one of the fundamental pillars of its management. For this reason, on January 18, we sent all the necessary background information to the members of the Joint Health Commission to attest to what was declared by our union,” they concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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