Brazil States Pressure Bolsonaro to Buy Vaccines for Children ‘Urgently’

Faced with the fear spread by the Ómicron variant that generated a sudden increase in infections around the world, several States in Brazil desperately implored the president, Jair Bolsolaro, the “urgent” purchase of Coronav vaccines to immunize children against the coronavirus. In this sense, the governor of Pernambuco, Paulo Cámara, asked the Ministry of Health “to purchase the aforementioned Coronavac vaccines that are already available at the Butantan Institute and distribute them among the states as established by the National Immunization Plan.”
And he said that “such a measure must be taken as a matter of absolute urgency,” representing the forum that brings together the governors of the northeast region, the second most populous in the country. This situation occurs after the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) approved yesterday the application in children and adolescents of the drug manufactured with inputs imported from China at the Butantan Institute of the government of San Pablo.De this way, there are already two vaccines authorized for minors, despite the fact that the president is totally against immunization. Thus, the governor of São Paulo, Joao Doria, criticized him fervently by accusing him of taking measures to “delay” the start of immunization of minors.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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