Pueyrredón Bridge: total cut by social organizations

Social organizations and piquetera groups carry out this Tuesday a day of roadblocks and accesses in several points of Greater Buenos Aires, with epicenter in the descent of the Pueyrredón Bridge, in Avellaneda.The points in which they maintain cuts
The day of Tuesday began with problems to mobilize in several points of the City and the Conurbano.Different groups led from mid-morning surprise cuts in the West access, at the height of Vergara Avenue, in the Buenos Aires party of Morón; and over the Saavedra Bridge and the Pueyrredón Bridge.” We mobilize in defense of working conditions, for genuine work, against hunger and misery, for the right to housing, against the union bureaucracy, in repudiation of debt and against surrender to capitalist usury,” the convening organizations said in a joint press release. According to the organizers, it will be the beginning of “a staggered plan of struggle” for the demands and for the “fulfillment of all the commitments and conquests.” The government carried out a massive breach of the commitments made with the organizations of struggle as we already denounced in the mobilization that we carried out on January 4,” they added. We are not alone, both to face the contagions and absenteeism they cause, and for salary and working conditions the struggles in the factories, trains and collectives grow. The bureaucracies of the CGT and CTA are accomplices and a necessary leg to impose the anti-worker measures,” the statement said. The protest was called by the Polo Obrero Tendencia; OCR Popular Resistance; Ana Maria Villarreal; December 19 and 20; Up those who fight; March 24 Organization and Workers’ Bloc for Socialism.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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