Authorities detain 198 migrants traveling in tourist trucks

Authorities from the National Institute of Migration (INM) and the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) arrested 198 migrants of different nationalities, who were traveling on tourist buses, in the state of Oaxaca.
According to the version of the authorities, the arrest took place at a checkpoint located in the city of Puerto Escondido, based on an anonymous complaint.
The migrants were detained around 7:00 p.m., on federal highway number 200, Santa María Huatulco-Acapulco Guerrero.
See also: Texan tried to enter migrants inside a coffin to the United States
By marking the stop and being approached by federal agents, the passengers could not prove their regular stay in Mexico. 150 adult men from Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Cuba were identified.

In addition, 19 adults and 27 minors who were traveling in company, as well as a mother who was traveling with her son, all of them from Guatemala.
The people commented that they had been in the bush for several days, and that their transfer from the Mexico-Guatemala border had been on foot through different gaps, some in vehicles and others aboard boats.
The adult aliens were transferred to immigration offices to begin the corresponding administrative process. The minors and the mother with her child were placed under the guardianship of the DIF.
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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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