Pato Sardelli: “Rock will never die”

Singer-songwriter of Airbag, a band made up of his brothers Gastón Sardelli and Guido Sardelli. He sang tango since he was 4 years old and today he is the new guest of Caja Negra.” I think the best of music has already happened many years ago,” said Pato Sardelli of Airbag in dialogue with Julio Leiva. “Everything has a curve and it reaches its peak, its goal of being, trying to be excellent, right? Everything came: art, painting, cinema, everything. And the music did it also in 1800, with classical music, with Beethoven, Mozart.n that moment for me the music reached its peak and then it starts to go down. I think there’s going to be like a new rock cycle. He will never die. It’s something very bloody and very real, very real. When a band is playing, if you unplug the bass, you notice or unplug the guitar or if the guitarist is doing playback, it’s not the same,” explained the artist.

On how Airbag started and how they are now, she said: “We are like the last of the bands, there at the limit between digital and analog. Even when we put out the first album, we wanted to get a cassette. It doesn’t exist anymore, but I saw the cassettes, I wanted to have my band’s cassette. We made them and they didn’t sell, obviously.” There are many artists that I like, many rag pickers, who seem very good to me, who I like as they are re professionals and care about their aesthetics, to improve themselves. At the beginning there was a whole thought money, money, money, guita, silver. I need to make money. And now there are some who find the question that you can do both,” he reflected on the artists who grew up recently but did not want to reveal with whom he speaks.

Regarding his link with people in the stream, he told Caja Negra how his first contact was: “I was watching on Youtube and I saw a video of Momo and Coscu. I said, ‘Who are these? They are geniuses.’ Because I was laughing, it was the same mood as my school friends. Then I met Momo at an event and we started talking, we became friends.” Everything that is happening with Argentine music in the world of urban music and Argentine pop… Coscu a little is responsible. It has all its machinery, it managed to capture the focus of several generations. I told him, but he told me: ‘No, you’re crazy’, he’s very humble but I really think he was a fundamental piece for what is happening with this genre in the world,” he said. My grandmother was number one, far away. He taught me to sing, tune, express,” he recalled of the person who took him to Channel 9 and managed to be part of Grandes Valores. “The three of us were my grandmother’s pride. He taught the three of us to sing,” he emphasized.

On the relationship with his brothers, he deepened: “We will always be the same. There is a river and the three of us are there. The river is taking us. At times one goes in front of the other and for a moment goes to the other. And you stay behind and you grab it, that. That’s the relationship we have. Let’s go together. We go together along the river, united. We always had that teaching from the family. Not only of blood, but of life as well. All that is the same, everything. The link. That is fundamental. Keep him careful, united, patient.” A brother is like an extension of yours. It’s like a projection of you on someone else. I mean, you recognize it. It’s recognizing yourself in someone else. There I am too. That I think, it’s the definition,” described Pato.Si we go to the Black Box of Pato Sardelli’s life, what is the moment that makes him this Airbag Duck with this present? “I think in Don Torcuato playing. I was with a guitar and a keyboard at the same time. And I understood the scales. I understood how that works. It was like it was all at once.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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