Mendoza: they murdered a young man and for the fact they arrested four policemen

A young man was killed today by a bullet at the height of the chest during a fight on the public road in the Mendoza town of Malargüe and for the case four police officers were separated and apprehended by the justice to determine if they had any responsibility in the fact, police and judicial sources reported. The victim was identified as Kevin Nahir González Ejea, about 20 years old, who died this morning of a shot at the height of the chest during a fight at the intersection of Anglat and Villanueva streets, in the town of Malargüe, about 180 kilometers from the provincial capital. According to the first data collected by the investigation, everything happened around 2.40 today when a group of young people was fighting on the public road and firearm detonations were heard so neighbors gave notice to the 911 emergency line.A mobile of Special Bodies moved to the area and reported by radio that in the place there was a quarrel between several men who when identifying the mobile began to throw stones at him, so the troops who arrived at the place decided to repel the aggression with long weapons. Another support mobile arrived at the scene and reported that the people participating in the fight had left and that there was a wounded by firearm, whose relatives put him in a private car and transferred him to a nearby hospital. Doctors from the guard assisted the young man and confirmed his death due to “a gunshot wound with an entrance hole in the left pneumothorax and a lumbar dorso exit hole,” health authorities said. For its part, the prosecutor’s office on duty ordered that police personnel search and identify in a square near the people who participated in the fight to obtain more data to clarify the fact. Once there, the people reacted to the police presence and decided not to provide information and left the place, while the police kidnapped some elements such as a mitt and a couple of “chuzas”, according to the sources. The investigation, at the judicial level, was in charge of the prosecutor Javier Giaroli, who ordered that the first troops who arrived at the place be separated and apprehended and their weapons kidnapped for expert reports, while the investigation into the death of the young man is advanced. In the coming hours, the prosecutor is expected to travel to that town with the aim of gathering evidence to determine the mechanics of the crime, the degree of eventual responsibility of the apprehended police officers and if there are others involved in the death of González.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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