Six civil associations in Sinaloa closed their doors due to the lack of donations to bring support to those most in need. Others diminished the ability to help the thousands of Sinaloans who lack even the most basic.
This is one of the consequences that the coronavirus pandemic is leaving after arriving at the entity at the beginning of last year. The good thing is that just as these closed, the president of the Private Assistance Board in Sinaloa, Jonathan Reyes Quintero, said that others arrived to continue supporting the people.
Associations and civil organizations have seen contributions decrease to 50 percent. Some donations have been small but constant, which has served to maintain support for those most in need.
The important thing is that in many it follows the spirit of service to others and they do not bend despite the decrease in donations. The altruistic work is maintained.
Read more: Writing in The Debate: a reason for happiness
Therefore, companies, people who have the way to contribute, are urged to continue with their donations and others to do so. There is nothing more rewarding than giving, because sooner or later twice as much is returned.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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