The sad photo of a father hugging his son for the last time

Twelve-year-old Drayke Hardman took her own life after she was bullied for more than a year at school, the photograph of her father hugging him for the last time has moved everyone. The events were recorded in Tooele County, Utah, USA, on February 10, 2022, the child was found by his older sister while he was dying, his father tried to revive him through cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers but, unfortunately, he could not save his life. ” I closed my eyes 51 hours after starting CPR in hopes of saving my son’s life. Hearing the screams of her 16-year-old sister who witnessed something no one should. This is my nightmare… every moment I close my eyes,” the boy’s father said. The parents of the child blame a classmate of the school, who harassed him for more than a year, the minor was the victim of physical and verbal abuse by his partner, even, on occasion, came home with a black eye. On Wednesday Drayke did not want to go basketball because he felt very tired, something that became normal to his relatives and they did not take it matter, that same day he tried to take his own life. When the child was found by his sister he was taken to the hospital in a critical condition, the next day he lost his life.” What would make a 12-year-old lose so much hope in his heart that he would tie his hooded T-shirt around his neck to take his own life? One word… HARASSMENT!!!,” the father said. The photo of his father saying goodbye to his son has moved the world as it is sad and heartbreaking, giving a great lesson. The child’s parents have created a social media campaign against bullying, asking other parents to be aware of their children and to teach them to be kind and good people.” This is the result of bullying, my good boy was fighting a battle from which even I could not save him. It’s real, it’s silent, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do as a parent to take away this deep pain. There are no signs, only hurtful words from others who finally stole OUR Drayke from this cruel place.” Read more: Roxana, young man jailed for killing her abuser, released

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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