María Elisa Quinteros for President Piñera’s criticism of the CC: “We have to contribute to stop stigmatizing people for having different political thoughts”

The president of the Constitutional Convention, María Elisa Quinteros, addressed the questions about the constituent work carried out by President Sebastián Piñera; who said that in the dialogue that is being developed in the former headquarters of the National Congress “better will is lacking” and “it is necessary to understand that transcendental aspect of projection.”
The Plenary of the constituent body began this week with the votes -both in general and in particular- of the norms that will compose the new Constitution, and even the chapter of “Justice Systems” was consolidated as the first to be integrated into the draft of the New Constitution.
Faced with the advances, President Piñera pointed out that “it is important to understand that a Constitution is not a government program, (…) a Constitution is not a law, a Constitution is the framework of unity of projection that countries give for many decades, and that is why it is essential that a Constitution is not of some and not of others, that has been our problem for the last 40 years. ”
The head of state said that he has the impression that in the dialogue that is taking place in the Constitutional Convention “there is a lack of better will, there is a lack of understanding of that transcendental aspect of projection.”
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Asked about the President’s statements about the body that drafts the new Magna Carta of the country, María Elisa Quinteros stressed, in conversation with CNN Chile, that “the Convention is independent, it is autonomous from the other powers, so we have the mission to talk everything we have to talk about in this space and that the majorities agree, the 2/3, the 103 votes, so that things remain in the Constitution.”
“The invitation to all people is to be informed,” said the president of the drafting body of the New Constitution, recalling that the conventional ones were democratically elected.
Regarding President Piñera’s criticism, Quinteros says that “we should ask him.” And he said that in the Convention he sees “a serious work, of different groups that have different political positions, but that is part of society and we have to contribute to stop stigmatizing people for having different political thoughts.”
The current head of the Constitutional Convention of Chile also addressed the statements of the conventional socialist, Andrés Cruz, who accused a lack of dialogue within the hemicycle and accused a veto to the right-wing sectors. “I differ a little bit from that thought. I believe that the instances of dialogue have taken place from the beginning (…) at least I see the will of all sectors,” Quinteros said.
The president of the CC highlighted the work of all her peers, describing this week of work as “very positive”, ensuring that with the deliberations of the last few days it would be demonstrated that, despite the questions, the instance has been able to reach the agreements of 2/3.
“This week we continue with the work in commissions (…) the plenary sessions where it is finally resolved which article goes or does not go in the Constitution need to be supplied by the work of the commissions. So, the first days of the week we are going to have a lot of work in committees to insume the Plenary, “said MEQ.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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