It is necessary to close gaps between women and men Coparmex

The Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) stressed that the gaps that persist between women and men in Mexico must be closed from different angles. In the framework of International Women’s Day, the organization stressed that women in the national territory not only want equal opportunities in the labor and economic field, but also to be able to live free of violence of any kind.” We consider it urgent to make visible and address the gaps that persist in labor, social and economic matters, “said the Confederation headed by José Medina Mora.Taking up the data collected by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), Coparmex realized that, at present, the necessary conditions are not being made available so that women can have a full development in the professional aspect. Read more: Average salary in Mexico is at “historical highs”: STPSEllo, he said, because only 4 out of 10 women of economically active age actually join some work activity, while, on the contrary, in the case of men, the figure increases twice, that is, 8 out of 10.In this context, pointed out the difference between the salary that women earn compared to men in formality and the amount they receive in informality, highlighting that in the first case the gap is 14%, while in the second it increases to 43%.” The pay gap can be explained by the fact that it is still more difficult for women to access higher-ranking positions that involve higher wages. In addition, we see that the wage gap in formality grows as women become mothers because the conditions are not being offered so that women can coordinate care work with the professional field, “explained the agency. Assuring that the private sector is aware that companies have to be “a factor of change” for the greater integration of the female force, he also emphasized the obligation that the federal government has to be an “ally of women”, this through the implementation of public policies and programs. Read more: Starbucks and Coca-Cola announce suspension of their operations in Russia Meanwhile, Coparmex called for the urgency of addressing the acts of violence committed against women in the national territory, recalling that in January of this year there were an average of 10 women killed daily. Ricardo Anaya blames AMLO for Mexico’s economic crisis

Original source in Spanish


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