Rodrigo Lussich broke down when telling how they lived the sayings of Rial in the air

After the strong sayings of Jorge Rial, where he pointed hard against the private life of Adrián Pallares, Rodrigo Lussich chatted in the radio cycle “Por si las moscas” and told how they lived the attack of the driver of Argenzuela, while they were on the air on channel thirteen. In an introductory way, Lussich began by saying: “This week my partner was the victim of extortion in a media outlet. That’s what’s not going on anymore,” he said. And he said: “What Jorge Rial did on his radio program was an extortionate act. I do not agree with the cancellation policy, but what happened was very serious and unforgivable,” he said in his defense of his partner. He added: “What happened was very painful. I had a very good relationship with him… I did not expect such an artful, very painful attack, which has no place under any point of view. It was premeditated. There was no reason for such a reaction. There was an intention to overshadow our debut. I break down a little bit because it has me very mobilized.” Then he emphasized, “Why that evil? I have no choice but to think it was premeditated. I wanted to do it for bad… We weren’t telling anything that wasn’t known,” the journalist concluded. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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