The body of a 92-year-old man was found on Route 2

A 92-year-old man was found dead, gagged, wrapped in a nylon bag and covered with a multicolored blanket on the side of Route 2 at kilometer 67, very close to the Abasacay stream, in the town of Lisandro Olmos.La victim was identified as José Antonio García, (92), domiciled in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Balvanera, who according to the results of the autopsy performed, would have died of asphyxiation about 24 hours before being found. According to the information revealed by the investigators to the Telam news agency, “the victim’s body had blows to the face and chest that showed a lot of viciousness.”

“He was gagged, wrapped in a transparent nylon bag and covered with a multicolored blanket and a burlap bag at his feet,” they said. A woman on a motorcycle was reported to have noticed a strange lump on the side of Highway 2 and immediately called the police. Moments later, members of the 15th Police Station of Olmos, personnel of the prosecutor’s office on duty, experts and the Homicide Cabinet of the District Directorate of Investigations (DDI) were present and carried out the corresponding expertise. The case involves the UFI N16, La Plata Judicial Department, in charge of Juan Cruz Condomí Alcorta, who awaits the different expert reports in the area of discovery and the analysis of the security cameras.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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