Ramon given 7 years in prison for killing a man in Culiacán

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- The Attorney General’s Office obtained a sentence of 7 years in prison against Ramón Eduardo “O”, after proving the guilt of the accused in the intentional homicide of Fabián “D”, registered on April 14, 2020 in Culiacán, Sinaloa.In the investigations carried out by elements of the Specialized Agency in Intentional Homicide, downtown area, it is clear that the sentenced man arrived at the house located on Clavel Street in the 10 de Mayo neighborhood, with a firearm, which he fired against Fabián “D”, causing him to lose his life. After several investigations, carried out by Investigating Agents, attached to the Model Police Investigation Unit as well as expert evidence, the evidence data was obtained to prosecute the investigation folder with which an arrest warrant was requested against Ramón Eduardo “O”, filing Criminal Case 257/2020.This order was executed on May 20, 2020 and brought before the Control Judge in Initial Hearing on May 21, 2020 and year; an accusation was made and the link to the Process was requested, which was granted in continuation of the Initial Hearing, as well as he was ordered informal preventive detention. Read more: Fresh out of the workshop! On March 7, 2022, the Abbreviated Procedure was opened in the Judge of Control and Prosecution issued a conviction, in which Ramón Eduardo Ontiveros Acosta is sentenced to a prison sentence of 7 years, as well as to the reparation of the damage.

Original source in Spanish


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