Diego Torres spoke of the separation with Débora Bello: “It was super painful and it does not stop being”

In December of last year the rumors of separation in the marriage of Diego Torres and Débora Bello began to sound loud and a short time later the confirmation would come from the musician who announced the separation after 17 years. ” I think it is a good opportunity to clarify it. We are going through a complicated time but we love each other very much. We have a daughter we love and treat each other very well. She is an exemplary mother and she is there all the time,” she had said in that one. And then none of the parties referred to the subject again, until now that the artist gave a note with Maria Laura Santillán and allowed himself to tell how it was that he went through the separation.” It was like surfing a very big wave, which at times throws you to shit And below there is coral, which cuts, bleeds and hurts. Everyone has their own process, it takes time… I separated. Imagine it’s a drastic change, a hinge in life,” he first admitted. He added: “Difficult times teach you to find yourself deep down. The separation was super painful and it does not stop being it, I am very emotional and on top of all those things, they affect me a lot, “he added. And to close he referred to the pandemic and the negative effects it brought: “I don’t know if I associate it with that or the context where it happened to me. A number of emotions happened to me in the pandemic that were difficult to sort and to accommodate. On a personal level, it meant and means many things. Now I am calm, trying to get along with my loneliness, with my spaces, in process,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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