It already smells like the baseball of the Arturo Péimbert Camacho League, and for this Saturday a great party is expected at the Alberto Vega Chávez Municipal Stadium, with the great inauguration and a great artistic and cultural show that has been contemplated. Well, everything is ready, the teams already uniformed, the venues, the role of games and even those who are going to transmit the meetings, what is not ready and nothing is yet known, is the hiring of the ampáyeres lords, their salaries, uniforms and much less who is going to coordinate them. Still last year the “boss” of the men in blue was Samuel Hernandez, a capable man with great leadership. So far we do not know who will work on this strong circuit, what I do know is that this year it will be well monitored due to how good the competition will be. Hopefully the best judges are chosen and are as professional as possible so that they remain at the level of the League.Many proclaim that it is the best in the northwest of the country, I do not doubt it, but this must be demonstrated by having the best at all times, and the one who fails, thank him and focus on the one who follows. We are only a couple of days away and we do not know who will be the ones who will deliver justice. And notice that this is not new, the last thing you take into account in this type of jousting is the ampayeo, which you must prepare many weeks in advance. Let’s hope everything goes well, for the sake of the show itself, as the public waits every Sunday to have quality baseball. We’ll see, said the blind man.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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