Armed attack in Palenque leaves dead and wounded in Michoacán

Michoacán.- An armed attack on the facilities of a clandestine palenque in the town of Las Tinajas, Zinapécuaro in the state of Michoacán, presumably left at least 20 people dead and several injured reported local media So far authorities have not provided official reports of what happened in the building enabled as palenque, however, it was mentioned that armed men had arrived and shot at the attendees and then fled. Elements of the State Police and Sedena arrived at the place as well as agents of the Attorney General’s Office who are carrying out the corresponding proceedings. Presumably 20 people are said dead, including a woman, as well as five people injured. Through a small statement, the Attorney General’s Office of Michoacán reported that elements were transferred to Las Tinajas to attend to the report of the aggression that arose during the palenque. Read more: Man loses his life when he falls into a cistern on Sábalo Cerritos Avenue in MazatlanAfter the events, personnel from the Ministry of Public Security in coordination with the Army and National Guard mounted an operation of tours of the area, with the aim of capturing those responsible for the deaths.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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