CDMX will have spill of 7 mmdp for Easter 2022: Conaco

The National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Mexico City (Canaco) estimated an economic spillover close to 7 billion pesos derived from the sale and purchase of seafood, fish and restaurant activity for Holy Week 2022 in the capital of the country. It is 6 thousand 980 million pesos which could leave the next period of Holy Week in Mexico City, as part of the gradual economic recovery after just over two years since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.Although the National Chamber foresees a considerable recovery compared to figures registered within the same period last year, sales and profits would still not reach figures they registered before the Covid-19 pandemic.Read more: Álvaro Obregón will have PET, PA and aluminum collectors to manufacture blankets: Lía Limón The president of the Canaco CDMX, José de Jesús Rodríguez Cárdenas, explained that of the almost 7 billion expected, 3 thousand 535 million will correspond to sales in shops and service establishments while 3 thousand 444 million to income in the sector touristy. Finally, Rodríguez Cárdenas said that revenues are estimated at 46.5% more than those registered last year, but they would still mean half of what was recorded in 2019. Graduated from the degree in Communication and Journalism from the Faculty of Higher Studies Aragon (UNAM), with a specialty in written press. I worked in Rompeviento TV, Notimex and El Universal Online, I will also collaborate in CCEMX Radio and Metro CDMX. I have a Diploma in SEO to improve the positioning through Search Engines. See more

Original source in Spanish


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